Enter our Kingdom out of Time, deep in the enchanted woods...
In the woods between the hills the Fae will hold their Spring Audience.
An enchanting cast of Faeries, Sprites, Elves, Nymphs an magickal woodland Spirits will enter our realm to entice, bewitch and enthrall you with their otherwordly grace.
We cordially invite you to join us for an evening in the Court of the Fae.
There are two ways to gain entrance to this mystical castle in the woods:
Tribute to Titania - Honour the Faerie Queen by purchasing this ticket that offers some extra support to facilitator Neroli Sensual Arts.
Pittance for Puck - Slyly gain access to our Court. If one's not rich in gold, mischief will get you there too.
March 31st, 2024, more info soon...